Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Filling the Empty Seat Next to My Heart

Something interesting has happened since Casey died.

Casey was my heart cat; she was literally engulfed in my aura and it felt like she was a part of me whenever we were near. And when we were in the same space, we were almost always in the same place. Literally. Casey slept next to me, and even sat on my chair as I worked. We were almost inseparable.

When Casey was in her physical body, there just wasn't room for my other cats, Neil and Glenda, to get that close. But now, it feels almost like I am in a theatre and there is an empty seat next to me. But not for long. My beautiful, empathetic, charismatic orange tiger, Neil, has slipped into that seat and seems determined to claim my heart. It feels like he is succeeding.

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